Josh Bowman
In January 2023, Josh Bowman became an elder at CCF. He has been married to his wife Amy for 23 years, and they have four children (Caleb, Abbie, Anna, and Luke). Josh’s family served as missionaries in Zambia for eight years and then in South Asia for nine years. He is currently an assistant professor of theology and missions at Cedarville University. He is originally from Jacksonville, FL, where he attended Jacksonville University. He completed his MDiv from Southern Seminary in 2002 and his doctorate at Southeastern Seminary in 2019. He is passionate about serving the local church and encouraging believers to take the gospel to the least reached of the world. In addition, he enjoys beekeeping, coaching tennis, and spending time outdoors with his family. Missionaries that most impacted him are William Carey, John Nevius, and Jim Elliott.
Steve Black
Steve is married to his best friend, Beth, and they have four children (Caleb, Aaron, Natalie, and Clara). Currently, Steve works as an HR professional at Brixey & Meyer where he supports the internal team and consults with external clients. Steve earned a Bachelor's degree in Social Science and History from Cedarville University and a Master’s degree in Education from the University of Dayton. Steve enjoys traveling with his family, coaching his children’s sports teams, cooking an occasional meal, and reading a great book. Some authors/pastors shaping his life and ministry include John Piper, Graeme Goldsworthy, John Stott, and Paul David Tripp. His favorite Scripture passage is Ephesians 1:3-14.
Jeff Haymond
Jeff Haymond also serves as an elder at CCF and has been attending since January 2011. He is married to Jennifer and they have three children: Amanda, Matthew, and Megan. Jeff is currently the Dean of the School of Business at Cedarville University and a professor of economics. Jeff is originally from Arkansas and enjoys economics, Biblical studies, vintage cars and tools, and metal fabrication. His favorite Scripture verse is Romans 8:1.
Taylor Ivester
Taylor Ivester is the Associate Pastor of Mobilization at CCF and joined the team in July 2021. He is married to Michele Ivester and they have three kids (Isabella, Grady, and Lily Grace). Taylor has bachelor degrees in Exercise Science and Nursing from Appalachian State University and UNC-Chapel Hill. He also has an MDiv from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Taylor is from Pfafftown, NC and enjoys spending time with his bride, his kids, and good friends, all things sports, exercise, learning about new cultures, hunting, fishing, and hiking. Jim Elliot, a missionary martyr who served in Ecuador, has had a significant influence on his life and ministry. Taylor enjoys listening to 9Marks Missions Talk and reading books by Paul David Tripp and Danny Akin.
Rick Prigge
Rick has been attending CCF since 2016. He is married to Christine and they have four children: Gianna, Gabriella, Diedrich, and Duke. Rick is currently an Associate Professor of Management at Cedarville University. He holds a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, and PhD in construction management from Arizona State University. Rick and his family moved to Ohio via California, but he was born and raised in Arizona. He enjoys reading and studying scripture, building, farming, sports, playing with the kids and a good rib-eye-steak. His favorite verse(s) is Hebrews 1:3-4.
Nick Rundlett
Nick Rundlett joined the CCF team in September 2017 as Associate Pastor. He and his wife, Joyce, have been married since 2008 and they have four kids, Noah, James, Grace and Luke. Nick grew up in Michigan and loves all things Michigan, including Detroit sports teams and the University of Michigan. Nick has a Bachelor's Degree in Bible from Clarks Summit University, a Master's Degree in Church Ministry from Shepherds Theological Seminary and a Master's Degree in Biblical Counseling from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Nick enjoys running, reading, and spending time with his wife and kids. He has been greatly influenced by pastors and writers such as Charles Spurgeon, Paul David Tripp, R.C. Sproul, and J.I. Packer.
Erik Spohr
In January 2011 Erik Spohr became the Lead Pastor of CCF where he provides primary leadership in the areas of preaching/teaching, theological direction, and leading the CCF ministry team. Next to following Jesus, his greatest joy is being married to his wife, Tara, and raising their four children: Jack, Anderson, Eliza, and Isabel.
Originally from Michigan, Erik holds a bachelors degree in Biblical Studies & Pastoral Leadership from Cincinnati Christian University, a masters degree in Theological Studies from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and is currently completing a doctorate in Applied Theology (with an emphasis in ecclesiology) at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. When time permits Erik enjoys working out, cycling, and travel.
Matt Thornburg
Matt has led musical worship at CCF since joining in April 2015. In November 2022 he joined staff in a full-time role as the Associate Pastor of Worship & Operations. He has a B.A in Music and a minor in Church Music from Cedarville University. He also spent 17 years in the corporate world with 7 of those years in Operations Management before joining the staff full-time. He is married to Jody and they have two children: Beck and Ridge. Matt is originally from Urbana, Ohio and now resides in Bellbrook. He enjoys spending time with his family, reading, coffee, and Reds baseball. Some of his favorite authors include JI Packer and Michael Reeves. One of his favorite Scripture passages is Romans 11:33-36.