CCFK desires to come alongside you, the parent, to support, resource, equip and encourage you in your God-given role to disciple your children in their faith walk as described in Deuteronomy 6.

We are purposeful about introducing Jesus to all the children at CCF through stories, prayer time and teachers being a living example of having a relationship with Christ. We want more than just head knowledge...we are praying for heart knowledge. We want to promote gospel transformation, not behavior modification. Every Sunday teachers point kids to the gospel of Jesus Christ as the source of heart-transformation and the foundation for spiritual growth.
We believe that the Bible is divinely inspired by God and that it is how we get to know Him and His Son more. We teach lessons directly from Scripture. We pray that your children's hearts are softened and that God opens their hearts and minds to Him as they learn about Him each week in their classrooms. We want our students to understand the key themes of Christianity. Each Sunday teachers help kids acknowledge essential theological doctrines of the Christian faith as they are found throughout the Bible.
Once our children have made the commitment to follow Christ, we want them on a path of deepening their relationship with Him. We also pray that they will go out and tell others about Jesus. We pray that they are learning to be the hands and feet of Jesus, serving others with their time and talents. We want our students to live on mission. Every Sunday teachers encourage kids to join God's story by sharing Jesus with the world.

KidMin Check-In
Upon arrival, parents and children should go to the KidMin check-in kiosks to print a secure guardian receipt and child’s name tag. Please keep your guardian receipt to present to the KidMin Classroom Volunteer at pick-up in order to check-out your child(ren).
If this is your first time visiting CCF and need to register your child(ren) into a classroom, please go directly to the KidMin Welcome Station window where there will be a KidMin Greeter to help you get started.
CCF Child Protection Policy
The safety of the children in our care, their parents and our classroom volunteers are a top priority in our KidMin program. You can read our Children Protection Policy HERE.
Sunday Curriculum
Our babies and toddlers are taught about Jesus and God's big story of redemption from The Gospel Project curriculum each service. The main truths and verses are the same, but each hour they have different teachers that present these truths through different activities. We believe repetition is key in our youngest classrooms.
At this service our curriculum focuses on introducing our young church friends to what we believe and why we believe it, and through that introducing them to our great big God and His Son, Jesus. We do this by going through church doctrine using the New City Catechism or the Truth78 Curriculum.
In both curriculums we introduce and teach our students theological vocabulary and truths that they will begin to understand more as they mature in their faith. Using biblical accounts of God’s work in the world to illustrate God’s character and explain theological truths in a concrete way, our classroom volunteers engage their students in music, games, art, written activities and lots of repetition. Our goal is not only memorization, but to lay the foundation for our student’s belief and faith in God.
At this service, our teachers use The Gospel Project for Kids to immerse students birth through 5th grade in the gospel through every story, theological concept, and call to mission from Genesis to Revelation. We want our students to understand the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story—God’s big story of redemption. Bible story videos, music, games, crafts, fun-filled activity sheets and more are used to help teach kids how God’s plan of redemption unfolds throughout Scripture.
At the 10:45 service, children birth thru 4-5yo Pre-K go directly to their classrooms. Children in grades K-5th start off worshipping with their families in “big church.” We want our youngest church friends to understand that the body of God, the church, is made up of all ages and that we each have an important part to play. We want them to experience worship with their parents and see all ages praising their heavenly Father. Children are dismissed from the pulpit to go to their classrooms.
Stay Informed.
Monthly Family Email.
CCF Family Facebook Page. You can request to be added to the group Here.
Weekly Take Home Pages. You can find these located in the service hour folders in the baskets hanging outside of each classroom.