International Partnerships
Reaching and Teaching International Ministries (RTIM)
RTIM’s Mission Statement: “We seek to advance the gospel by partnering with local churches as they send qualified missionaries to make mature disciples, establish healthy churches, and train local leaders around the world.” RTIM also seeks to further the gospel’s reach through long-term missionary mobilization, short-term theological training trips, strategic church partnerships, and ministry internships.
Jeremy & Andi Eulberg - Bolivia
After visiting Bolivia on a short-term trip in 2013, Jeremy and Andi’s hearts were stirred for the people of Bolivia, where alcoholism rates are high and there is much spiritual darkness. They moved to Bolivia in July of 2017, and since then have been focusing on learning the language, starting a weekly kids club, and working with the local camp ministry. Previously, the camp ministry rented space for one week each year, but now owns their own land and is under construction for camp buildings. Learn more about the camp and how you can help here.
Learn More (Eulberg Family)
Give Now (Eulberg Family Support)
Give Now (Camp Tarija – Bolivia Support)
Camp Tarija in Bolivia: CLICK HERE
Bob & Sarah Steiger - West Africa
The Steiger’s are currently working with Discipling for Development in West Africa. They are seeking to engage individuals on a relational basis encouraging all aspects of life, whether that be spiritual, physical, or social, so that together they might move toward becoming all that God intends for them to be. The Steigers work within the community to improve relationships, health, agriculture, and small business opportunities.
The International Mission Board
The IMB partners with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God.
Pastor Melvin in El Achiotal with Heart to Honduras
Over the years, CCF has sent many short term teams to serve alongside Pastor Melvin and the church in El Achiotol. We continue to pray for Pastor Melvin and the church there in Honduras.