Men’s Ministry.
The Men’s Ministry of CCF exists to help the men of CCF (1) grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, (2) be equipped to spiritually disciple others, and (3) understand how God has specifically designed them and equipped them for the work of the ministry; in concert with the broader vision and ministry model of CCF. This is from a biblical belief and understanding that as men bring their voices and unique gifts to the local body at CCF, the church becomes more and more effective and God-honoring.
Email info@centervillechristian.org if you have any specific questions.

Third Saturday
Third Saturday Breakfast from 7:30a-9:00a
Every third Saturday we meet at CCF for some incredible breakfast food, a short Bible study, and some great time together around the table. All men are invited to join us! If you are interested in attending and/or helping prepare the meal, please email info@centervillechristian.org.