O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds.

Psalm 71:17

About CCF YM

We exist to help every 6th-12th grader increasingly love, glorify, and enjoy God by being and making disciples of Jesus Christ.

What to Expect

At CCF, we believe that what students need most is the gospel of Jesus Christ. They need to know the good news that God saves sinners through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. And they need to be a part of a community where this gospel is lived out and put on display. Therefore, this good news is at the center of everything we do and shapes both our doctrine and our culture.

Students can expect to hang out, hear sermons from the Bible, sing gospel-centered songs, and apply God’s Word in small groups and discipleship. We like to refer to these emphases as “gospel doctrine” and “gospel culture.”

Join us on Sunday nights from 5:30-7:30pm!

What We Do

Youth Group//Sunday nights 5:30-7:30 pm

Our weekly gatherings for middle and high school students where we hang out, worship, hear preaching from the Bible, and apply God’s Word in gender and age-specific small groups. We meet every week throughout the year, unless there’s a members’ meeting or a holiday. See the calendar below for an updated schedule.

Youth Sunday School// Sunday mornings 9:00- 10:15 am

A casual time of teaching and discussion focused on equipping and growing in the Christian faith. Right now we’re working through the New City Catechism.

Retreats// Winter and Summer

Retreats happen twice a year and are opportunities for students to disconnect from their normal routines and experience awesome times of in-depth Bible teaching and study, worship, fellowship, games, and activities. They’re a great opportunity for students to grow in their faith, deepen friendships, and make lasting memories.

2025 save-the-dates:

Winter Retreat: Feb. 14-16th

Summer Camp: July 20-24th

What’s Coming Up

Secret Church

Each year, a missions organization called Radical hosts an online missions event called Secret Church.  Secret Church is a 6-hour event that focuses on the Bible, missions around the world, the nations, and the persecuted church.  This year’s study will focus on The Book of Matthew.  Registrations are now open and you can sign up HERE. You can also find out more general information about Secret Church HERE.

Current Series

On Sunday nights we’re working through the letter of James and learning what it means to be hearers and doers of the Word. To listen to recent sermons, or browse our youth sermon archive, click below (sermon overviews and reflection questions are included as well)!

Contact Us

New to CCF Youth Ministry? Reach out with any questions!

Jake LaCroix (Youth Minister)

Megan Prion (Youth Ministry Assistant)