Centerville Christian Fellowship History.
Centerville Christian Fellowship (CCF) is humbled by God’s faithfulness that has been made manifest since the founding of the church. He has made Himself known through CCF’s heritage and continues to bless the church for His glory today.
The church was launched in August of 1995 as a church plant by three regional churches. The church’s weekly meetings began in homes and then transferred to a nearby school. In July of 1999, its current property was purchased. Then in November of 2001, the current building was completed and obtained occupancy.
Throughout the 2000's CCF the Lord provided opportunities for the church to learn what it means to trust in God, as He worked to shape His people, drawing them into closer unity with each other.
In November 2010 Erik Spohr was ratified as the 4th Pastor of CCF. Over the next 3 years new leadership structures were put in place, ministries we launched, and the focus of the church solidified around the work of making disciples both internally and externally. In 2013, CCF’s demographics began to change as a large number of young families and their children began attending and the CCF bylaws were greatly revised and updated. Additionally, from 2011 to the present saw a continued increase in membership as the Lord added to the church. This led to the addition of a second Sunday morning worship service in 2015, and a continually growing ministry team to equip the church for ministry.
Presently, God has graciously blessed the preaching of His Word and we are experiencing the fruit of His work in our local church. As CCF has continued to grow spiritually and numerically, the Lord has blessed the church with a variety of men and women, of all ages. Today, CCF is made up of a healthy variety of ages and backgrounds; individuals seeking to honor the Lord, grow in Christlikeness, and serve one another - and the world - to the glory of God.

On Sunday, October 31st, 2021 CCF had the privilege of sending out many brothers and sisters from within CCF and commissioning them as a new local church, (Trinity Church) to take the gospel to the people of Belmont, OH. This is an autonomous local church in the Dayton community that we pray God will use to make Himself known throughout this area and around the world. If you know of anyone in need of a local church in or around Belmont, please connect them with Trinity Church of Dayton.