Small Groups.
There are many ways in which we believe discipleship takes place in and through CCF. Our small groups are one of the means within CCF where we seek to do that. These are not required to be a part of CCF, however, we see them as a valuable part of the healthy growth and discipleship of those within this local church. As our church has grown these groups have become even more significant tools for welcoming one another into the wider church body. They also play an important role in encouraging unity in the middle of a growing body.
Small Groups at CCF follow the normal school year calendar. The Fall semester runs from September through December, and the Spring Semester runs from February through early May. We offer other classes, seminars, and training during the "off-season" months as well.
Sign-ups are now open for our winter & spring small groups. If a small group does not appear on the sign-up, that means it is currently full. Many of these groups continued from the previous semester but we would love to connect you to a group if you are not currently a part of one.
Please reach out to nick.rundlett@centervillechristian.org with any questions or if you need help finding a group.
Sign-up is found at the link below.

There will once again be no CCF organized childcare this semester for our small groups. Many groups will be working to coordinate childcare in order to make it easier for families to be engaged in small groups. However, this will not be oragnized by CCF.
For those with younger kids that need more consistent attention let me offer a few suggestions: Plan to have a babysitter for those nights, partner with a family that meets for small group on another night, and agree to watch each other’s kids during small group or bring them with you and know that you have the freedom to be up and around to do what you need...we all understand. If, in the group description it says Childcare, your group will work together to figure out a childcare plan. Please reach out to your small group leader as you work to coordinate childcare for those evenings.
You may notice that several of our small groups will be doing sermon review. Small groups that spend time doing sermon review will do the following:
Spend time in small group reading the text that was preached on that previous week
Identifying the main point of the text and applying that text together
Talking through application questions put together by the preacher from that previous Sunday
Praying for and about the text and its impact on our thinking, living, relationships, etc.
If no spots are currently available that work for your family/schedule, please click the waiting list so that we can be in touch as we get into the semester and spots open up.