Care & Counseling.
And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all. 1 Thessalonians 5:14
Biblical counseling is a means of intentional discipleship in the midst of crisis. At CCF, a season of biblical counseling is one of the ways that God works in and through his people. While the whole body is called to disciple, care, and walk alongside others, a biblical counselor is a specially trained person providing care through Scripture for life’s most difficult problems.

Biblical Counseling.
Guided by Scripture. (John 1:14–17; Romans 12:1–2) Through the Bible, God tells us who we are and how we are supposed to live. Scripture tells us that God created us in His image and that we have inherent value and worth before him. God’s Word tells us that because of sin, we live in a fallen, broken world. We are hurt and we hurt others. We need a Savior whom God provides in his Son, Jesus Christ. Scripture shows us how we can have a restored relationship with God and teaches us how to live like Christ as we wait for his return.
Dependent upon the Spirit. (Ezekiel 36:26; 2 Corinthians 5:21) Only God can change our hearts. By God’s grace, the Spirit continues to work in and through all those who believe. While counseling can be a useful ingredient in the change process, we rely upon God through the Holy Spirit to change our hearts. Therefore, completing homework and pursuing God and godliness in-between counseling appointments is an essential part of the counseling process.
Relational. (Psalm 34:4–7; Ephesians 4:11–16) Biblical counseling directs us to vertical and horizontal relationships. Through Christ, we have a restored relationship with God and interact vertically with him. Biblical counseling teaches us to call out to God, repent, respond, ask for help. Biblical counseling also helps us act like Christ in our horizontal relationships with others. Because biblical counseling is an element of discipleship at CCF, this process takes place with and alongside other brothers and sisters in Christ.
Need Counseling?
Because counseling is a part of discipleship within the body, pray and consider who could be an advocate for you throughout this time. While our pastoral staff is happy to meet with members and non-members, we prioritize ongoing counseling for members of the church body. We are not a clinically-based intervention team; therefore, if you are currently in crisis (suicidal, homicidal, manic, etc.), please call 1-800-273-TALK.
To begin the counseling process please get started below.
If you are looking for helpful resources as you being to reach out for counsel or ways you can better help others, please look through our biblical counseling resource page by clicking the link below.
Premarital Counseling
If you are in the planning stages of marriage or talking through the idea with your significant other, we would strongly encourage premarital counseling. If you are a part of the CCF family, we would love to be a part of that process with you both.
To find out more information about what that would look like or to begin the premarital counseling process, please get started below.
If you have interest in using the CCF facility for a wedding, please find more information by CLICKING HERE.