James 1:16-18: God’s Good Gifts

Sermon Overview

Main Idea: God is the unchanging source of everything good. 

  • “Immutability”= God does not change.

  • “Anthropomorphism”= using human language (body parts, emotions, behaviors, etc.) to describe God.


  • What are some examples of good and perfect gifts? List out as many as you can think of, and be as specific as possible!

  • What are some gifts that you might be tempted to worship more than the giver? 

  • What does it mean for God to be immutable, and how is that good news for us? What about those places in Scripture where it seems like he does change?

  • Spend some time thinking about the phrase “of his own will,” and what this means for our salvation (check out John 1:12-13; Ephesians 1:4-6, 11-12; Romans 8:29; 9:15-16). Why is this good news? How does this give us assurance? 


James 1:19-25: Hearers and Doers


Reformation Night 2024