James 3:1-12: Words Matter

Sermon Overview

Main Idea: Words matter.

  1. Warning 1: Teachers’ Words Matter (v. 1)

  2. Warning 2: Words Are Powerful (v. 2-6)

  3. Warning 3: Hypocrisy (v. 7-12)

Questions to ask before you speak (based on Eph. 4:29):

  1. Is what I’m about to say going to corrupt myself or someone else?

  2. Is what I’m about to say going to build up?

  3. Is what I’m about to say fitting for the occasion that I’m in?

  4. Will what I’m about to say give grace to those who hear?


  • Read Proverbs 18. How does this chapter apply to our speech?

  • Is there anyone you need to ask forgiveness from this week that you have spoken to sinfully?

  • How does Christ’s perfect, sinless speech give us hope?


James 2:14-26: Faith Without Works is Dead