Interlude: Justification

Sermon Overview

Main Idea: Since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:1)

  1. Justified

    • Justification is when God declares sinners to be righteous because of what Jesus has done.

  2. Faith

    • Faith is personal trust in the finished work of Jesus.

  3. Peace

    • Peace with God means: 1.) we are no longer guilty, and 2.) we have Christ’s righteousness (through imputation).


  • Explain justification by faith alone in your own words.

  • How is justification by faith different from justification by works, or self-justification?

  • Self-justification tends to produce fear (on the one hand), or pride (on the other). How does justification by grace through faith free us from both of these pitfalls?

  • Justification by faith also frees us from group-justification (“we are better than them”) and creates a gospel culture. Can you think of some examples of how this could happen at Youth?


James 2:14-26: Faith Without Works is Dead


God For Us: Advent 2024