James 1:1: Introduction to James

Sermon Overview:

  • Three things you need to know about the book of James:

    • James is a letter.

    • James is very practical— he wants us to know how to live out our faith and be consistent Christians.

    • James has a main idea: Christians are hearers and doers.

  • Author: James, brother of Jesus, leader of the Jerusalem church.

  • Audience: the people of God scattered throughout.

  • Application: reasons to study James: James teaches us…

    • About God’s purposes in trials, and how to endure them.

    • How to fight sin and resist temptation.

    • How to seek and walk in wisdom.

    • How the law is fulfilled in the Christian life.

    • That our speech matters greatly.

    • That God cares for the poor, and we should too.

    • That faith without works is dead.


  • Read the book of James in a single sitting (it should take about 10-15 minutes).

  • What main themes do you notice, and how do they relate to James’ main idea (that Christians are to be hearers and doers)?

  • What encourages and/or challenges you the most from the book as a whole?

  • Pray through part of James.


James 1:2-4: Count it All Joy